Understanding SOLAS


Historically the luxury yacht market found dispensations and loopholes to avoid this requirement, however, this has become increasingly difficult. Pascoe took the decision in 2007 to not only produce SOLAS-compliant tenders, but to ensure they comply with the most stringent levels of commercial regulations, surveyed and certificated by Lloyds Register.

Pascoe can offer fully compliant SOLAS Rescue Tenders certified to MED Wheel Marked standard for MCA flagged yachts, or certified to SOLAS for rest-of-World flag authorities. Achieving this standard and maintaining compliance is an involved and complicated process, requiring regular adjustment, updating and re-testing as the Regulations are updated and developed.

The SOLAS Regulations affect many aspects of the tender build, from hull construction, systems and outfit to the quality assurance system and documentation of workshop temperatures maintained through the build. The main testing is carried out on the first of class of each model, which includes the 3m drop tests, self-righting test and other testing such as a swamp test, overload lifting test, endurance trial and heavy weather trial. Following the passing of these tests, a Type Approval Certificate is issued. Each subsequent build is surveyed and tested to a less comprehensive criteria and a Certificate of Production Testing is issued.

Pascoe is able to offer some customisation of the SOLAS tenders by working closely with Lloyds and Flag Surveyors. The colour of the tender can generally be offered in any scheme, at the discretion of the Flag Surveyor and often on the provision of high visibility orange covers. The lifting arrangement can be tailored to the mother ship by means of additional testing and local approval.